Web Primarily based Retail POS Systems Can Work

Web Primarily based Retail POS Systems Can Work

Retail POS is short for point of sale and this typically refers for the place where the sale is created and payment is created. The checkout stand is a point of sale. The original sales checkout mechanisms had been as crude as a pencil and paper and maybe a ledger for any credit extended by the merchant.

The initial computerized POS systems had been bulky and inordinately high-priced. The checkout and reporting software was written particularly to get a particular manufacturer’s machines and only retail giants could afford the computer software along with the hardware. In order to add a further checkout point in the store new hardware had to be bought in the manufacturer from the original equipment.

Nowadays interoperability is achievable amongst several of point of sale systems. Nevertheless, the cost of even the typical hardware and the computer software to connect these is beyond the attain of …

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The 'What & Why' of Digital Media As a Career Option

The ‘What & Why’ of Digital Media As a Career Option

This time of the year, most of you must be grappling with the dilemma called “What Next?” No wonder, with the host of career options thrown open in front of you, combined by the pressures from peer and family, it has made you more confused and indecisive.

I am here to talk to you about a career option that rightly fits into the scenario and needless to mention, it shall also be liked by your interest buds. The reason is simple; it involves two things that have become part and parcel of your life: i.e. Internet and Mobile.

Ever wondered, who posts the brand messages on the Facebook or the Twitter every day. Ever wondered who forms and manages Websites like Sunsilk Gang of Girls or Lipton Challenge – World’s Largest Puzzle. Ever felt curious to know who puts the sponsored links whenever you search for something on Google.

They …

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