How Should An Employer Respond to Employee Theft?

How Should An Employer Respond to Employee Theft?

Responding to Employee Theft

To best protect its interests, a company that suspects that particular of their employees is stealing should immediately consult the company’s attorney for advice. Typically, the attorney will advise the employer to consider steps including the following:

Commence the Investigation Promptly:

A small business proprietor should initiate the investigation of the purported theft by staff immediately. This prevents the employer from running afoul of criminal and civil statutes of limitation.

Place a Third-party Employee in Charge of the Investigation:

A management employee besides the supervisor who first observed or reported the theft should perform the investigation. This avoids the taint of bias a more involved player will bring on the investigation. Also, the employer should interview the accused in the presence of the witness.

Maintain Strict Confidentiality:

Maintaining strict confidentiality through the entire investigation is essential. Failure to do something discretely in handling a staff theft …

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How to Build a Repeatable, Paint-by-Numbers Outsourcing System?

How to Build a Repeatable, Paint-by-Numbers Outsourcing System?

If you are a private business owner at all like me, you know how important it is to have documented, repeatable systems in place, whenever we can, to deal with day-to-day business tasks inside your operations.

Without systems, your business can not operate at its full risk of efficiency and effectiveness.

One area that has been ever more popular and vital that you systematize belongs to managing your outsourced projects and providers.

If you aren’t informed about utilizing outsourcing inside your small company, its basically the technique of “farming out” different time-consuming tasks or one-time special projects with an outside provider, someplace possibly at a pay-rate providing you with the maximum advantage of the small business owner.

There are some different steps that you would like to follow along with because you begin outsourcing:

  • The first item we will check out is how to prioritize projects which make you the
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