Foods to Avoid With Heart Failure
If you’re suffering from heart failure, it’s important to avoid certain foods that can aggravate the condition. Salt is one of those things, as it can lead to clogged arteries and other health problems. Also, saturated fat, trans fats and greasy foods are bad for your heart.
Processed meats
Processed meat has a high level of saturated fat and salt, which makes it a food to avoid with heart failure. One study found that men who consume more than 25 grams of processed red meat a day have a fourfold higher risk of developing heart failure. The researchers suggest that we should cut down on meat consumption by three quarters or even give up meat completely.
High-sodium diets
It is important to cut back on sodium to avoid high blood pressure and heart failure. The average adult should consume two to three grams of sodium per day, and most current …
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